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The HSE University Faculty of Law invites you to take part in the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference 'Law in the Digital Era', which will be held on October 18, 2024.

The main topic of this year's conference is artificial intelligence and law.


Date: October 18, 2024.

Conference format: mixed (on-site at the Moscow campus of HSE University and online on the MTS-Link platform).


The conference will include a plenary session, topical sessions and a panel discussion:

1. Plenary session 'Artificial Intelligence and Law';

2. Session 'Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Law';

3. Session 'Regulation and self-regulation of relations in the sphere of development and implementation of artificial intelligence';

4. Session 'The role of public law in the formation of an optimal model for regulating digital technologies and artificial intelligence';

5. Session 'Civil legal regime of artificial intelligence technologies and objects created with its use';

6. Session 'Digital Content: Development Trends';

7. Panel discussion 'Introduction of artificial intelligence technology into labor relations: successes, failures, prospects';

8. Session 'Criminal law protection of subjects of the digital economy and finance using elements of artificial intelligence';

9. Session 'LegalTech: new challenges and opportunities';

10. Session 'Deepfake technologies: search for a legal model.'


Working languages of the conference: Russian, English.

Organising committee

Vadim Vinogradov

Doctor of Law, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Law

Alexander Larichev

Doctor of Law, Professor, Deputy Dean for Research

Irina Jur'evna Bogdanovskaya

Doctor of Law, Professor, Chief Editor of the Journals 'Law. A Journal of the Higher School of Economics' and 'Legal Issues in the Digital Age'

Oksana Soldatkina

Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor, School of Digital Law and Bio-Law

Registration for listeners and speakers is open until October 4, 2024.

Experts, practicing lawyers, scientists and graduate students are invited to participate as speakers. The registration application for speakers must include a summary of the presentation.

Requirements for the presеntation summary

The document should be in Word format, Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing 1.5. The volume should be up to 3 typewritten pages (up to 7,000 characters, including spaces and bibliography).

The summary should clearly formulate the problem under consideration, describe the approach used to solve it, and state the main conclusions.

Information partners


Oksana Soldatkina

E-mail: osoldatkina@hse.ru