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Mission accomplished, but the work is not over yet...

On March 13, 2021, the scientific and educational group ‘International Law in the Cyber ​​Age’ held its last meeting, which summed up the results of research carried out throughout 2020.

Mission accomplished, but the work is not over yet...

All this time, members of the research group: Alaa Assaf, Olga Kudinova, Ekaterina Martynova, Daniil Moshnikov, Alexandra Pereverzeva and Polina Kurakina under the supervision of Associate Professor Gleb Bogush and Professor Vera Rusinova, actively worked on solving some of the most pressing and complex problems of modern International Law, namely the application of its norms in ‘cyberspace’.

The final meeting of the research group was held in the Department of International Law under the leadership of the head of the group, Professor Vera Rusinova. The group discussed the results of the project. The research group became the first at HSE to use English as its working language. The members of the group held 11 seminars with the participation of both members of the research group and leading foreign experts. Five publications were prepared in English and Russian, the purpose of which was to find a solution to the problems of the application of International Law in ‘cyberspace’ not only by interpreting the existing lex lata, but also by considering new hypotheses that could form the basis of lex ferenda. To effectively address this challenge, the study framework covered certain aspects, sectors, and concepts of International Law that are most contentious in relation to ‘cyberspace’, for example, territorial sovereignty, international criminal law, the use of force, espionage, and human rights.


The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that our addiction to cyber technology has reached a point of no return and requires new research to address these unprecedented challenges. The work of the research group has been successfully completed, but there is no doubt that the study of the topic of the application of International Law in the cyber era will continue.