On March 17, 2023, the Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics will host the Scientific and Practical Forum with international participation "Actual problems of comparative historical law and theoretical legal research", dedicated to the memory of Professor N.A. Krasheninnikova. During an open dialogue between legal researchers and practitioners, there will be an exchange of experience and ideas in the field of comparative historical law and theoretical and fundamental research, analysis of interregional and international scientific communication in current trend areas of development of legal science, as well as a discussion of Nina Alexandrovna Krasheninnikova's historical and legal legacy.
N.A. Krasheninnikova (1928 — 2021) is the founder of a scientific historical and legal school, within which she headed a new legal direction in the study of religious personal law (on the example of Hindu law), as well as colonial and post-colonial legal culture.
Scientific, academic and pedagogical workers of educational and scientific organizations of Russia and foreign countries, as well as practical specialists and graduate students are invited to participate in the forum.
9:00 AM — 10:00 AM
Registration of participants
10:00 AM — 11:30 AM
Forum opening, plenary session
11:30 AM — 11:45 AM
11:45 AM — 1:30 PM
Round table dedicated to the scientific heritage of N. A. Krasheninnikova
1:30 PM — 2:00 PM
Coffee break
2:00 PM — 6:00 PM
Section work
Section №1
Actual problems of theoretical jurisprudence
Section №2
Comparative legal research of the history of the Russian state and law
Section №3
Actual problems of comparative-historical jurisprudence and state studies
The terms of participation
Forum working languages: Russian and English.
Forum Format: Mixed format (offline/online) The online format is provided for out-of-town and foreign participants. A connection link will be sent additionally.
Applications for participation in the forum with the topic of the report must be submitted through the registration form before March 3, 2023. The text of the article based on the results of the presentation must be submitted by April 1, 2023 to the email address: npf@hse.ru.
Manuscript design requirements
Requirements for the content of the article:
- The style of the article must meet the requirements of scientific works, not be publicistic.
- The originality of the work must be at least 75%.
- Previously published articles are not accepted.
- The article can be in Russian/English language.
- All received articles are checked in the program «Antiplagiarism».
Article formal requirements:
- Volume of the article — from 6 to 12 pages
- Format — A4, the text is typed in Microsoft Office Word;
- Font — Times New Roman, size (font size) for the main text — 14, for footnotes — 12; line spacing — 1.5;
- Fields — 2 cm on all sides;
- Paragraph indent — 1.25 cm;
- All abbreviations and abbreviations are deciphered at their first use in the text.
Article structure:
- The author must submit the following information in Russian and English: Full name, academic degree, academic title, honorary degree, position (in full, without abbreviations and abbreviations), main place of work (study), e-mail address (for communication with the scientific community, which can be placed in the public domain), city, contact phone number;
- Title of the article (in Russian and English language);
- Abstract — up to 100 words (in Russian and English language);
- Keywords — up to 9 pcs. (in Russian and English language);
- Bibliographic references — are drawn up in accordance with APA.
Materials that do not correspond to the specified requirements will not be considered. In case of receiving a negative review from the reviewer, the articles are removed from publication.
Formatting an APA Reference List
Manager of School of Legal Theory and Comparative Law