What is ISSC?
The summer school provides a unique opportunity to experience the atmosphere of modern research ideas, get acquainted with a foreign culture of university teaching conducting academic debates at the international level. Informal communication with foreign guests promotes large intercultural interaction, improvement of communication skills in English for non-native speakers. The comprehensive program of the school includes lectures, master classes, presentations and case studies which made every moment of ISSC exciting and informative. Summer school actively interacts with leading companies of IT market – experts from Yandex, Megafon, Google, IBM conduct workshops. It helps to combine research and practical approaches, work out argumentation skills in discussion.
International Summer School on cyber law is a scientific field which unites specialists of IT and IP law for discussing actual problems of digital century in comparative aspect. This event gives an opportunity to set up professional contacts for perspective scientific and practical parthenrship on international level. Intensive program of school includes exchange of experience, analysis of foreign approaches, combination of theory and practice. Each activity contributes to further research with advanced ideas.