Seminar on the topic of ‘The Relationship Between State and Individual Responsibility for International Crimes: Revisiting the Classic Problem of International Law’
In his report, G.I. Bogush has examined the relationship between the international legal responsibility of states and individual criminal liability for serious violations of international law, in the light of contemporary problems facing the international legal system.

Seminar on the topic of ‘ The International Legal Principle of Non-Interference and Deterence of Cyber-Operations’
A semninar on the topic «The International Legal Principle of Non-Interference and Deterence of Cyber-Operations» was held. In her talk the speaker - Vera Rusinova - tackled the question of whether and to what extent the principle of non-interference in matters within the domestic jurisdiction, being one of the basic principles of International Law, is applicable and able to effectively deter these ‘low-intensity cyber-operations’.