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3 Bolshoy Trekhsvyatitelsky Pereulok, room 326
Phone: 8 (495) 7729590,
ext. 23040

School Head Vadim Vinogradov
Deputy Head Larisa Soldatova
Manager Alfia Taktarova
Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law

Edited by: I. Lianos, A. Ivanov, D. Davis.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.

IT Giants vs. states in human rights regulation in digital space: a comparative review

Vinogradov V., Chambas E.

A e C - Revista de Direito Administrativo e Constitucional. 2024. Vol. 24. No. 98. P. 11-38.

Book chapter
The effectiveness of local governments in the context of a unified system of public authority

Тагиев Э. С.

In bk.: Муниципальная власть в современном мире. Сборник материалов научно-практического форума. M.: 2023. P. 255-257.

Working paper
Fairness Meets Machine Learning: Searching For A Better Balance

Semenova E., Перевощикова Е. Ю., Ivanov A. et al.

Law. LAW. Высшая школа экономики, 2019

HSE University Prepares to Return to In-Person Classes

Classes will be held in person beginning March 29

HSE University Prepares to Return to In-Person Classes

HSE University is planning to return to on-site classes in hybrid form starting March 29. The order that will formalize the transition is being prepared for signing today. Read on to learn about the process of returning to campus and what students can expect.

Last week, HSE University Life had already announced that the University was discussing options for a return to on-site learning. Both student councils and teachers mostly expressed their concerns related to a premature return to the classroom on February 8, so, taking all opinions into account, it was decided to extend remote learning until the start of the third module’s exam period.

Will the hybrid learning in the fourth module be similar to the format that HSE implemented in autumn 2020?

Yes, generally, the restrictions will be the same. For example, no more than 50 people can be present in a classroom at the same time, and on-site classes will take place no more than three times a week.

Some classes will remain online due to various reasons. A list of such classes will be announced later. Students can learn the format of their courses by checking their class schedules, course syllabi, and any notifications via email they may receive from their programme managers. 

Please note that wearing a mask is still required at HSE University.

March 29 is the first day of the third module exam period. Will the exams be held on-site?

Yes, the teachers will be able to appoint an on-site exam even in courses that are taught online today. Students will be informed of the format of their exam no later than February 10.

Unfortunately, I can’t return to Moscow by the start of on-site classes. What should I do?

If you are unable to attend on-site classes (for example, you can’t return to Russia from abroad), you can get an extended individual remote learning curriculum.

To do so, inform your programme office of the reasons of the extension. The decision will be made by your academic supervisor.

Is it possible that in-person classes could start earlier than March 29?

Yes, it is. Such a decision may be made by the dean, based on the initiative from the academic director or student council’s opinion. In this case, students will be informed about the start of on-site classes two weeks prior to the first class.

If a course is attended by students who can’t attend classes for valid reasons (such as being abroad), a hybrid format will be maintained for this course. The same format will be maintained for intercampus courses.