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3 Bolshoi Tryokhsviatitelsky Pereulok, room 417, 419, 420

Phone: 8 (495) 772 95 90 ext. 22842; 23033

E-mail: techlaw@hse.ru

Deputy Head Aleksei Volos
Manager Tamara Robertovna Arutyunova

(495) 772 95 90 ext. 22842

Teaching and Learning Specialist Natalya Shipina

(495) 772 95 90 ext. 22755

Deepfakes: search for a model of legal regulation
In press

Demkin Vladislav Olegovich.

Legal Issues in the Digital Age. 2024. No. 4.

Book chapter
Different Facets of Cyber Hate in Russia and Controversial Legal Responses

Anita Soboleva, Alyona Gerashchenko.

In bk.: Handbook on Cyber Hate: The Modern Cyber Evil. Cham: Springer, 2024. Ch. 17. P. 335 - 355.

Society – News

Intellectual Property Issues in the Framework of BRICS Discussed at HSE University

Intellectual Property Issues in the Framework of BRICS Discussed at HSE University
On April 8, a roundtable discussion entitled ‘Intellectual Property on the Rise: How to Maximize Its Positive Impact and Avoid Hazards’ took place at HSE University in Moscow. The participants included Victoria Panova, HSE Vice Rector and Head of the BRICS Expert Council–Russia, andAlan Freeman, Co-Director of Geopolitical Economy Research Group at the University of Manitoba; Secretary of Geopolitical Economy Research and Education Trust; Co-Editor of Geopolitical Economy Book series, Manchester University Press.