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Moscow, 3 Bolshoy Trekhsvyatitelsky Pereulok, rooms 227, 228b

Professor Vera Rusinova

Head of the School of International Law
E-mail: vrusinova@hse.ru

Professor Daria Boklan

Deputy Head of the School of International Law
E-mail: dboklan@hse.ru

Svetlana Smirnova
Manager Svetlana Smirnova

E-mail: svetlana.smirnova@hse.ru

On Thin Ice: Qualification of Cyber-Attacks on Personal Data under International Humanitarian Law

Abrashin R.

HSE University Journal of International Law. 2025. Vol. 2. No. 4. P. 36-52.

Book chapter
General Measures in the Process of Enforcement of International Courts’ Judgments: Between Subsidiarity and Binding Nature

Filatova M., Gadjiev K.

In bk.: The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law , Volume 8. Brill, 2024. Ch. 5. P. 137-165.

Working paper

Rusinova V., Sergei K.

Law. LAW. Высшая школа экономики, 2021

The second issue of the HSE University Journal of International Law is published

“HSE University Journal of International Law” is a periodical online journal whose mission is to accumulate the results of fundamental and applied research on current issues of international law.

The second issue of the HSE University Journal of International Law is published

© Faculty of Law, HSE

The second issue of the journal includes articles devoted to topical material and procedural issues of public international law, including trade law, international arbitration and international financial regulation. Moreover, the issue contains a commentary on the report of the WTO Panel in the recent dispute US — Origin Marking Requirements.

Authors and articles of the second issue:

Anna Avdulova, Vladimir Kostsov. Duty to Render an Enforceable Award in International Arbitration: a Critical Analysis

Vladislav Ponamorenko. Corporate Compliance in the Mechanism of International Financial Regulation

Pavel Myslivskiy. Execution of Acts of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union: Review of the First Problems and Ways for Their Solution

Dmitry Andriyanov. International Legal Problems of Establishing a Genuine Link between the Ship and the Flag State: the Triumph of Formalism over Content?

Anastasiya Fomenko. Assessment of Damages and Compensation in the Context of ISDS Reform Proposal (in English)

Anastasia Parkhomenko. Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labelling: are Health Policy Decisions Reconcilable with the WTO Disciplines? (in English)

Daria Boklan, Elena Murashko. Interpretation of the Security Exceptions in United States — Origin Marking Requirement

The journal invites authors —researchers and practitioners —to submit materials.

The second issue of the HSE University Journal of International Law is available at https://jil.hse.ru/