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Moscow, 3 Bolshoy Trekhsvyatitelsky Pereulok, rooms 227, 228b

Professor Vera Rusinova

Head of the School of International Law
E-mail: vrusinova@hse.ru

Professor Daria Boklan

Deputy Head of the School of International Law
E-mail: dboklan@hse.ru

Svetlana Smirnova
Manager Svetlana Smirnova

E-mail: svetlana.smirnova@hse.ru

On Thin Ice: Qualification of Cyber-Attacks on Personal Data under International Humanitarian Law

Abrashin R.

HSE University Journal of International Law. 2025. Vol. 2. No. 4. P. 36-52.

Book chapter
General Measures in the Process of Enforcement of International Courts’ Judgments: Between Subsidiarity and Binding Nature

Filatova M., Gadjiev K.

In bk.: The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law , Volume 8. Brill, 2024. Ch. 5. P. 137-165.

Working paper

Rusinova V., Sergei K.

Law. LAW. Высшая школа экономики, 2021

The fourth issue of the HSE University Journal of International Law is published

“HSE University Journal of International Law” is a periodical online journal whose mission is to accumulate the results of fundamental and applied research on current issues of international law.

The fourth issue of the HSE University Journal of International Law is published

© Faculty of Law, HSE

On the pages of the fourth issue of the journal, a scientific discussion unfolded about the forms of international cooperation of the Eurasian Economic Union. An article is devoted to the acute problem of modern international law ― fragmentation of the international law on state responsibility. The “Interdisciplinary Researches” section presents original scientific work at the intersection of international law and behavioral economics. In addition, readers can get acquainted with continuation of the study on the personality of an international criminal, published in the first issue of the journal for 2023. Also, the issue contains a commentary on the decision of the investment tribunal in the case Michael Anthony Lee-Chin v. Dominican Republic , and a review of the textbook on international criminal law ed. by A. Naumov and A. Kibalnik.

Authors and articles of the fourth issue:

  • Anna Kolupaeva, Victoria Polshakova, Anastasia Santalova and Daria Ulanova . Systemic Interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights and its Protocols: Creeping Fragmentation of State Responsibility
  • Natalia Ischenko. Forms and Content of International Cooperation of EAEU with International Organisations on the Example of International Cooperation in the Field of Labour Migration and Social Defence (and response to the article by Arina Androsova) (in Russian)
  • Arina Androsova . Forms of International Cooperation of the Eurasian Economic Union: Legal Aspect (and response to the article by Natalia Ischenko) (in Russian)
  • Dmitrii Tekutev . Bringing Sustainable Development to the Corporate Level: Boards’ Cognitive Biases towards ESG and Relevant Debiasing Interventions
  • Alexander Evseev . The Procedural Status of a Defendant in the International Criminal Justice (in Russian)
  • Sergey Korotkov . “Indirect” Decision: Standard of Review in Michael Anthony Lee-Chin v. Dominican Republic(in Russian)
  • Eduard Ivanov and Sergei Markuntsov . Review: Textbook on International Criminal Law: (ed. by A. Naumov, A. Kibalnik) (in Russian)

The journal invites authors —researchers and practitioners —to submit materials.

The fourth issue of the HSE University Journal of International Law is available here.