Faculty of Law

Prof. (Dr.) Y.S.R. Murthy will hold an open lecture on the topic: «Interplay between National Human Rights Institutions and Universal Periodic Review in South Asia: Issues and Challenges»

Event ended

Biography of the speaker 

Dr. Y.S.R. Murthy is presently working as the Professor & Registrar and Executive Director, Centre for Human Rights Studies in the O.P. Jindal Global University, National Capital Region of Delhi, India. Prior to it, he served in the National Human Rights Commission of India in various capacities for over 12 years including as the Director, Policy Research, Programmes

and Projects Division. He spearheaded the Commission’s advocacy and monitoring efforts, among others, in the areas of public health, HIV/AIDS and rights of persons with disabilities.  As a civil servant, he also held a number of responsible and sensitive assignments including as the Director, Media and Communications in the Prime Minister’s Office, President’s Secretariat and Cabinet Secretariat from 2005-07.

His books on `Halsbury’s Laws of India - Human Rights’ and `Human Rights Handbook’ were published by LexisNexis Butterworths.  He edited NHRC’s Annual Journal on Human Rights for several years. He holds a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Statistics from the University of Madras, M.A. degree in Human Rights from the University of London (recipient of British Chevening Fellowship) and

Ph.D. degree from the Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai.

In addition to his regular responsibilities, Professor Murthy is also working as the Senior Fellow at the International Institute of Higher Education Research and Capacity Building (

IIHEd), O.P. Jindal Global University. He has also been elected as the Vice President of Indian Society of International Law (ISIL) for a three year term from 2018 – 21 and serves on the Executive Council of the All India Law Teachers Congress (AILTC). He is an Advisor to the All India Network of NGOs and Individuals working with National and State Human Rights Institutions (AINNI). He is Executive Board Member of International Forum on Crime and Criminal Law in the Global Era (IFCCLGE)-India. Dr. Murthy is also a National Coordinator of SWAYAM,the indigenous Indian platform for MOOCs.


Why is the protection of human rights in the South Asian region relevant to the world as a whole? What, if any, are the challenges in this regard? At the time of reform of the UN Human Rights machinery in 2005, a lot of significance was attached to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process. In its little over twelve years existence, how did UPR process acquit itself in addressing those challenges? It is necessary to evaluate the interplay between National Human Rights Institutions on the one hand and the UPR process on the other. This talk proposes to critically examine all related issues from a legal, public policy and international affairs perspective.

Venue:   Moscow, 11, Myasnitskaya str., conference hall № 518.

Date and Time: 17 of  December 2018, from 18:00 till 19:00.

Working language is English. 

If you need a pass to enter the building, please, send by e-mail your surname and name to Tatyana Zhukova:tzhukova@hse.ru  till 12:00 December 14 and please, do not forget to bring your passport or ID to the event.

We look forward to seeing you