Tag "HSE guests"

On May 17, Dr Jorge Emilio Nunez, a Senior Lecturer at Manchester Law School (UK), delivered a lecture at HSE on the themes from his latest book, ‘Sovereignty Conflicts and International Law and Politics’ (Routledge 2017). While addressing members of the HSE community, he explored a solution of egalitarian shared sovereignty, evaluating what sorts of institutions and arrangements could, and would, best realize shared sovereignty, and how it might be applied to territory, population, government and law.
On April 7, 2017, Jan De Groof, Professor at the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) and Tilburg University (the Netherlands), delivered a lecture on ‘Contemporary and Future Challenges of Education Law and Education Rights, Especially for Russia’. The event was organized by the HSE Institute of Education and the Faculty of Law.
On October 28, 2015, Dr. Paul Smith, professor in labour relations management at the University of Pretoria (South Africa), spoke to undergraduate and master’s students on ‘The Future of Labour Law under Globalization and Regionalization’.
On the 27th May 2015 Professor Wolfgang Graf Vitzthum, of the University of Tubingen will lead a discussion at the HSE Faculty of Law on Current Problems in International Law. The discussion coincides with the launch of a second Russian edition of his authoritative textbook which describes the branches, institutions and fundamental concepts of international law and its development. The discussion is open to all and will be in English at 10.30 am in room 315, 17 Malaya Ordynka Street.
On April 11, 2015, Jan Cremers (Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies) gave a lecture on Corporate Law and Worker Participation at the HSE Faculty of Law. The event was organized by the HSE Department of Labour Law.